Dr Burnet
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Dr Burnet is able to provide an in depth consultation and advice on the following issues.
See reviews of Dr Burnet on Google and under his directory entry on North Shore Mums.
Abnormal Pap Smears
Menstrual Disorders
Ovarian Cysts
Premenstrual Syndrome
Utero-Vaginal Prolapse
Urinary Incontinence
Postmenopausal Bleeding
Vaginal Atrophy
Any issues related to the normal menstrual cycle are known as menstrual disorders. They are one of the most common reasons you might need to visit a gynaecologist.
Menstrual disorders and their symptoms can disrupt your daily life and affect your ability to become pregnant.
Routine gynaecological checkups often include pap smears, Colposcopy & abnormal pap smear management
Menopause is a natural process that results from normal ageing of the ovaries, it officially marks the end of female reproduction.
The average age of menopause is around 50 years of age in Australia, but in some women it can happen earlier or later.
If menopause happens before the age of 40, it is called “premature menopause”, this can happen naturally or can be induced by some medical treatments such as surgery or chemotherapy.
Perimenopause means “around menopause”, it is the stage in a woman’s life shortly before the occurrence of the menopause. It’s also known as the menopause transitional phase as it happens before menopause.
Although they’re both part of the same overall life transition, menopause and perimenopause have different symptoms and treatment options.
Any questions, concerns, or abnormal symptoms should be discussed with your obstetrician-gynaecologist (OB-GYN).
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) aims to replace the hormone or hormones that were made by the ovaries prior to menopause.
It is an effective treatment to manage and reduce many of the unpleasant side-effects of the menopause. HRT is considered appropriate for short-term use in women with moderate to severe menopausal symptoms.
HRT must be prescribed by a doctor and is not available over the counter. HRT comes in various forms and combinations of hormones (oestrogen and progesterone).
Anyone considering this treatment should discuss the benefits, risks and side effects with an obstetrician-gynaecologist and have their treatment well monitored.
Keep up to date with the latest news and information from Dr Sean Burnet.
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that can affect about 15% of pregnant women usually around 24 to 28 weeks. In most cases, the blood glucose level will go back to normal after the baby is born. However, some women will continue to have high blood glucose level which will lead them to have …
Mineral and Vitamin Deficiency in Pregnancy
Pregnancy and lactation most commonly unmask a deficiency in key vitamins and minerals. This is due to increased bodily demand during these times. In particular, vitamin B12, folate and copper deficiencies are often only detected once pregnant. As these three nutrients are all vital for proper red blood cell production, anaemia is often the first …
Keeping Current with COVID-19
Especially at this time of global turmoil, it’s understandable that pregnant women will feel a great sense of anxiety about their own health and that of their unborn or newborn baby. While it’s good to keep yourself informed with updated information from trusted sources, please be assured that the latest research indicates that the risk …
Level 12, 183 Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000
Suite 1.03, Polaris Building 150 Pacific Highway NSW 2060
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